By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by : Siti Nuruniyah
The learning process be success if its management is well. In fact, managing the learning is not easy because sometime we find students that have difficulty in learning. Each student have characteristics so in the class contains of many kind character. There are students that very easy to receive the lesson but there are very difficult to receive. On the other hand, is not easy for teachers to change the style of teaching while as educators, they always to adjust the teaching methods with the demand of changing times.
There are at least 4(four) different views how should the learning to be implemented (Kuhs and Ball, 1986 in Grouws, 1992) :
1.      The group that believe that the learning should be emphasized on understanding the learning material
2.      The group who argue that learning needs to give priority to the learning outcomes.
3.      The group who argue that the learning should learner center, so that they can develop and build the knowledge
4.      The group who argue that learning should starting from the planning of classroom management so the class to be conducive to learn
At every level education, learning should provide opportunities for teachers to using the choice of teaching methods are adjusted to student’s abilities. There are method of exposition, method of discussions, problem solving method, method of discovery, method of basic training skills and principles and method of application. If teachers re required to innovate learning then he should is part of a system that promotes innovation as well.
There are three approaching to education. They are conforming, transforming, and reforming. Conforming tent to maintain the old values, transforming more oriented to the order or market, and reforming develop education based on human values according to context.
Based on Curriculum 2004, the learning emphasized on capabilities that must be owned by students. It is developed based on the elaboration of standards of competence to be basic skills.     
Standard of competence is an ability that can performed in the learning whereas the basic skills is a minimal ability in subjects that must be owned by student. 
The students potential can be optimally developed if the teacher recognize the characteristics of students. Students will learn if they have motivation, then the teacher should can make motivation to them. It can through provide activities pleasant, attention to the desire of students, build knowledge through what is known by students, etc. Students learning in its own way. Students learn in different ways and with different speeds. Students learn both independently and cooperative with friend. Teachers gives opportunity to learn with group to train co-operation. Pupils need the context and different situation for their learning.
In order for students feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to move, change, make innovation from the traditional learning to progressive learning.