The influence of globalism more and more complex, in the education obtains challenge to prepare the students in the future to deal with their lives. Many schools make effort to promote international level in order have the International quality so known as International Level’s School. It is meant in order to the students could compete in the International level.
The effort of Promote the education quality in Indonesia have done through many activities, such as improvement of curriculum, present the text books, provision of learning tools and also upgrading of teacher. But to promote International level of Schooling that is not enough yet. Needed the participate from all of education components, one of them is supervisor.
If I were supervisor, to promote International level of schooling I will make research about duties of school principals and teachers. Are they have accorded with the International level or not yet. Are the teachers have used the various method in the learning as have done in many country or not yet. After that, I will do evaluation through compare the result of research with the result of observation in many country. From here, could found is the school have International level or not yet.
If the result of research and evaluation have accorded with the hope, I will improve it through make cooperation with the headmaster and the teachers to make the teaching and learning atmosphere accord with the International level. I will do the upgrading for the teachers. In the upgrading activities I will demonstrate how to teach well or teach with international standard how to use the method of teaching, how to use the learning resources and how to make the teaching and learning atmosphere that have the international level.
As a supervisor, I will do the evaluation and monitoring continually. So the learning activity in the school would controlled well. From this, the school will better and in order have the International quality in the learning and teaching activities.
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