DipresentasikanPada Seminar Nasional
30 Mei 2008
By: Marsigit, M.A
Research is an activity to gain knowledge called science, carried out with certain procedures that are systematic and supported by a methodology which is an assessment of the rules in his method. Teachers or prospective teachers of mathematics as a researcher can deliberately make changes in teaching mathematics in schools by conducting various experiments; so comes the scientific method. Approach to mathematics education research can be done by barbagai way, among other quantitative research. Quantitative research considers that learning mathematics is objective and measurable.
Circumstances and effort uncovering the phenomenon of learning mathematics can be described by a circle hermenitik where a teacher or a researcher trying to uncover aspects of learning mathematics as a symptom or phenomenon in the form of facts that can be observed directly and form of the potential for development that requires treatment. Hermenitik circle in mathematics education research provides full awareness to the researchers that the learning of mathematics and its components are not sterile, but is associated or connected with various aspects and contexts of learning both in time and in time telahl ampau now is the time for the continuity of learning.
The scope of mathematics education research can come from a push by penelit to reform mathematics education; in which the unconscious bahwai novation mathematics education can be sourced to the factor-facto conceptual, value, pragmatic, empirical and political.
Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75), gives his view that in order for potential students can grow and learn mathematics in an optimal, assumptions about the characteristics of the subjects and impikasi students towards learning mathematics is given as follows: Students will learn math if they possessed the motivation, with implications for research and learning that teachers need to: provide a fun activity, attention keinginansiswa, build understanding through what is known by students, creating a classroom atmosphere that supports learning activities, provide activities that correspond with learning objectives, provide challenging activities, provide activities that provide expectations of success, valuing each student achievement.
With the study of mathematics education we can know the difference
Individually or in groups in the study of mathematics, we can determine the position of students in a group, can compare learning outcomes between groups. We also can do a match between goals and results hasi lbelajar; whether the standard of competence or competence dasa rtelah achieved? Research results can be used for refining the program, counseling, provision of information to the public. Besides that we also can do a comparison between the performance and criteria for each dimension of the program and refining the program and the inference results of mathematics education as a whole.
Individually or in groups in the study of mathematics, we can determine the position of students in a group, can compare learning outcomes between groups. We also can do a match between goals and results hasi lbelajar; whether the standard of competence or competence dasa rtelah achieved? Research results can be used for refining the program, counseling, provision of information to the public. Besides that we also can do a comparison between the performance and criteria for each dimension of the program and refining the program and the inference results of mathematics education as a whole.
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