By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Curriculum needs to planning and developing in order to success the learning. In Indonesia, development curriculum needs to pay attention to the current issues in education, the problems that arising in the field, variations school, educational personnel, student’s ability, as well as the demands of social development, science and technology.
There are six basic principles must be considered in the development of mathematics syllabus based on competence :
1. Learning opportunities for all learners subjects without unless
2. Curriculum is not only a collection of teaching materials but also can reflect a coherent mathematical activities
3. The learning of mathematics requires an understanding of students learning needs
4. Opportunities for students to learn mathematics actively to build structure of knowledge and concepts through experience
5. The need to improve the quality of assessment activities learning over times
6. Utilization of variety of strategies and learning method dynamically and flexibly in accordance with the material, students, and learning context
Competency based mathematical education emphasizes the ability should be possessed by graduates, so that the curriculum developed based elaboration of basic skills competency standard. Underlying problems in mathematical learning related to objectives learning, how to achieve the goal, and how to know that the purpose has been reached. Therefore, the syllabus mathematics courses should be drawn that contains the outlines of instructional material refers to the characteristic mathematics in accordance with the competencies to be achieves. All abilities developed not only at the level of memory but also the understanding and application.
Teach mathematics is not easy because the fact show that students experiencing difficulties in learning mathematics. Strakers (1995:10-63) defines the mathematical school as search activity pattern and relationship, as creativity requires imagination, intuition, and invention, as problem solving activities and as a tool to communicate.
The new knowledge about mathematics can be in the social sphere, or in the scope of individual. New mathematical knowledge in the social sphere, thus is objective and new knowledge on the scope of individual will is subjective. Thus social interaction in learning mathematics becomes very important for closer the subjective knowledge algebra to the knowledge objective.
The curriculum for mathematics is designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to conducting search pattern and relationship up to perform problem solving activities and communicate mathematical thinking to others.
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